Saturday, July 08, 2006

WHY I'LL NEVER BE A DEMOCRAT....Okay, I'm doing something totally taboo here, I'm going to talk politics on my blog, but I offer this disclaimer: If you're a Dem, learn from this guy's mistakes, and if you're a Rep, do the same. Otherwise, comment away after you read my little story....Okay, I'm in Virginia, it's about 3 days into a week long intensive seminar on the Constitution and the life of James Madison, the principle architect behind our system of government, and I find myself in what starts out as a friendly conversation over political issue with some fellow teachers. Maybe this is more of a commentary on the quality of teachers these days, but I digress....within about 30 minutes, maybe less, I suddenly find myself sitting in my chair a big tall Democrat yelling profanities at me at the top of his lungs. How did we get to this point, you may ask? Well, after begin accused of watching too much Fox News (the only Fox News I watch is when Stephen Colbert makes fun of them), of being an "extremist," and of voting twice for a man who is the "biggest liar in human history & who stole the last two elections from the American people," I found myself in this predicament. My only commentary up to this point had been to mildly suggest that maybe a President is neither completely responsible nor completely to blame for any large scale situation, be it a war (takes a declaration of Congress I think...) the budget (again, Congress fits in here somehow...) or the opinion of the American public on an issue, such as gay marriage, elections, etc...and that maybe the Democratic leadership are just a little out of touch with the American people as a whole. It was to this suggestion that I was graced with the title of "f*(&ing extremist." Nuff said I suppose :)


Blogger No(dot dot)el said...

OUCH!!! Sounds like good times.

11:56 PM  
Blogger georgia said...

And what was everyone else doing while Mr. Maturity was yelling at you?

9:52 AM  
Blogger Earl W. Nash said...

Mostly just drinking beer and agreeing with him...

10:25 PM  
Blogger Jeni said...

No surprise there. I'll be honest--In my opinion, every election is a vote for the lesser of two evils. I didn't and will probably never like Bush, but oh well, I didn't really like the others either... The problem is with this happy little two party system, there will probably never be a candidate that I agree with, being socially liberal but morally conservative. They try to make it too black and white--Either ALL liberal or ALL conservative.

Great post Shawn! You rock! How was everything else aside from the "debate" with Mr. Maturity? (Maybe that can be another post! :)

10:46 PM  
Blogger frad-ster said...

thats a rad pic, did you take it?

9:16 PM  
Blogger frad-ster said...

by the least you're not a pharisee like me...

9:16 PM  
Blogger digapigmy said...

it seems to be a more liberal trait to attempt to scream someone into submission. but my only exposure to such things would be on college campuses where most folks are democrats to rebel from their parents. then they get a degree and make their own money and become republicans. the whole vicious cycle repeats from there

10:33 AM  
Blogger digapigmy said...

now that i think about it, the college republicans were idiots, too - just less of them around. i guess it's just politics and people of suspect intelligence/patience

11:36 AM  
Blogger Earl W. Nash said...

I like all of your comments! Keep it coming guys, and I'll try to post more often than I do :)

6:50 PM  
Blogger Jen's World said...

Um, yeah. Why is being Republican synonomous these days with extremism....Like you so pointedly pointed out...It does take an act of congress to go to war and we have two congressional houses to balance power and bring forth the American voice. Uh, yeah. Then again, everyone needs a scapegoat I suppose and Bush just seems to be the easiest target to marginalize...

1:32 AM  
Blogger shontell said...

giggle. sorry. I simply refuse to speak to people who disagree with me. ALL WAYS ARE THE QUEENS WAYS!!

10:29 PM  

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